Muybridge horse jumping animated

Eadweard Muybridge, Waugsberg
NieznaneUnknown source
140 x 132 Pixel (528108 Bytes)
Animated sequence of a horse jumping. Photos taken by Eadweard Muybridge (died 1904), first published in 1887 at Philadelphia (Animal Locomotion). Animation by Waugsberg, 2006-10-7. The sequence is set to motion using frames of Human and Animal Locomotion, plate 636, "Daisy" jumping a hurdle, preparing for the leap and plate 637, "Daisy" jumping a hurdle, clearing, landing and recovering. Thus the plates are showing different parts of two different leaps over the hurdle. Each sequence consists of 20 frames. For the animation the sequences were put together at the highest point of the leap.
Public domain

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