Muzzaffar (Mogadishu area) flag according to 1576 Portuguese map

AnonMoos (SVG file)

This is a loose vector equivalent (i.e. not a tracing) of image File:Muzzaffar flag.JPG by User:Scoobycentric, in turn partially based on the interpretations by Jorge Candeias of markings on an old map (see ).

This image was converted from the following self-authored vector PostScript source code:

.4 dup scale 0 0 moveto
1163 0 lineto 1163 482 lineto
0 482 lineto closepath stroke
.8 0 0 setrgbcolor 3 241 moveto
3 480 lineto 1157 241 lineto
closepath fill 1 .8 0 setrgbcolor
3 241 moveto 3 2 lineto
1157 241 lineto closepath fill
1 setgray 208 241 135 50 310 arc
257.291 241 110 289.924 70.076
arcn fill showpage
1163 x 482 Pixel (867 Bytes)
One interpretation of the flag shown next to the Mogadishu area on a 1576 map by Fernão Vaz Doura.
Public domain

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