NEPE Dress

Nez Perce National Historical Park
Nez Perce National Historical Park, NEPE 34023
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Dress Early 1900s. This woman’s wing dress was made using navy blue wool trade cloth, cotton cloth, cowrie shells, glass beads, satin ribbons and buckskin tied fringe. Fur traders and trading posts near Indian Reservations supplied Euro-American fabrics and blankets, supplementing natural materials. Colorful, lightweight fabrics commonly used included wool felt, flannel, corduroy, calico, and velvet. The wing dress evolved out of the original design of the “tail dress” or “two hide” dress. The T-shaped yoke includes open, cape-like sleeves. A printed cotton shirt or skirt was worn under the wing dress.
Wool, cotton, shell, glass beads, buckskin. L 102.5, W 92 cm
Public domain

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