New England easy chair
(c) Benjamin D. Esham / Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 4.0
Benjamin D. Esham (bdesham)
Taken by bdesham with a Canon PowerShot S3.
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1857 x 2323 Pixel (2088936 Bytes)
A New England easy chair at the Winterthur Museum and Estate in Delaware. According to a nearby plaque, this chair "had lost its original foundation materials by the time it was re-upholstered in the mid-twentieth century. In order to compare a twentieth-century upholstered shape with an original eighteenth-century shape, our conservators exposed half the frame."
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Benjamin D. Esham – właściciel praw autorskich do tego dzieła, udostępnia je na poniższej licencji
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Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0
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