
Alexander Funk
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Pearls about their necks and bracelets on their wrists, the Tsar's daughters pose in evening gowns in one of the salons. The furniture is French. Family concerts would be held here. The organ behind the girls is stacked with well-thumbed sheet music. All the Tsar's daughters learnt to play the piano, with varying degrees of success. Tatiana was technically the best player. Both this and the following photograph come from Maria's album.

This official portrait of Grand Duchesses Olga, Tatiana, Maria, and Anastasia Nikolaevna of Russia dates to 1915 or 1916. It is from Livadia.org It was also featured on postcards during World War I and has been published numerous times in books and articles. Because of its age, I think it's probably in the public domain. If I'm wrong, please delete the photo immediately.
Public domain

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