Oskars Dankers at the Nuremberg Trials

US Army photographer on behalf of the OCCWC
384 x 483 Pixel (113529 Bytes)
Oskars Dankers at the Nuremberg Trials. (Sometimes misspelled "Oskar Dankers".) Dankers (1883–1965) was an army general in independent Latvia between First and Second World War. Emigrated to Germany in 1939 upon Soviet occupation. Director-General of Internal Affairs during German occupation 1941-44. This photograph of Dankers (probably as a witness) was taken by US Army photographers on behalf of the Office of Chief of Counsel for War Crimes (OCCWC) sometime between 1947 an 1948. Depositions of Dankers were taken on August 4, August 1947 and on June 24, 1948, Nuremberg Dokument-IDs: NO-33000 and NO-5924.
Public domain

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