Phagspa vinokurov tablet

NieznanyUnknown author

scanned from Pozdneyev, Alexei Matveevich (1851-1920). Лекціи по исторіи монгольской литературы, читанныя въ 1896/1897 акад. году [Lectures on the History of Mongolian Literature given during the Academic Year 1896-1897]. St. Petersburg, 1897.
375 x 567 Pixel (43424 Bytes)
Yuan Dynasty Official Pass (The "Vinokurov Tablet"). Inscription in Mongolian (Phags-pa script) reads: ꡏꡡꡃ ꡁ ꡊꡠꡃ ꡘꡞ / ꡗꡞꡋ ꡁꡟ ꡅꡟꡋ ꡊꡟꡘ / ꡢꡖ ꡋꡟ ꡆꡘ ꡙꡞꡢ ꡁꡦꡋ / ꡠ ꡛꡦ ꡎꡟ ꡚꡞ ꡘꡖꡦ ꡛꡟ / ꡝꡙ ꡊ ꡉꡟ ꡢꡗꡞ [mong kha deng ri / yin khu chun dur / qꞏa nu jar liq khėn / e sė bu shi rꞏė su / 'al da thu qayi] = möngke tengri-yin küčün-dür qaɣan-u ǰarliɣ ken ese bišire-esu alda-tuɣai, meaning "By the power of eternal heaven, [this is] an order of the Emperor. Whoever does not show respect [to the bearer] will be guilty of an offence".
Public domain

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