Poland-01779 - Anna's tomb (31970703362)

Dennis Jarvis from Halifax, Canada
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6069 x 4105 Pixel (16584627 Bytes)
PLEASE, NO invitations or self promotions, THEY WILL BE DELETED. My photos are FREE to use, just give me credit and it would be nice if you let me know, thanks.

Anna Jagiellonka tomb in the Sigismund's Chapel completed while she was still alive. (18 October 1523 – 12 November 1596)

Wawel Cathedral, home to royal coronations and resting place of many national heroes; considered to be Poland's national sanctuary.
Komentarz do licencji:

Quote from photographer on numerous files

„PLEASE, no multi invitations or self promotion in your comments, THEY WILL BE DELETED. My photos are FREE for anyone to use, just give me credit and it would be nice if you let me know, thanks - NONE OF MY PICTURES ARE HDR.”

Quote from photographer on numerous files

„PLEASE, no multi invitations or self promotion in your comments, THEY WILL BE DELETED. My photos are FREE for anyone to use, just give me credit and it would be nice if you let me know, thanks - NONE OF MY PICTURES ARE HDR.”


„PLEASE, no multi invitations in your comments. Thanks. I AM POSTING MANY DO NOT FEEL YOU HAVE TO COMMENT ON ALL - JUST ENJOY.”

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Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0

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