Reinerz aus der Vogelschau von 1737. ante 1869 (76186745) (cropped)
Adres wydawniczy: Glatz : Lithographie u. Druck von Otto Pompejus, [nie po 1869]
Gatunek: litografia barwna
Forma i typ: grafiki i rysunki
Opis fizyczny: 1 grafika : litografia dwubarwna ; 27,8x32 cm
Współtwórcy: Pompejus, Otto Druk
Pod kompozycją uwaga: "Das Original befindet sch in einer alten Handschrift in den Händen des Kgl. Sanitäts-Rath Dr. Welzel in Glatz".
Ten materiał przeszedł do domeny publicznej w kraju pochodzenia, jak również w państwach i terytoriach, gdzie prawo autorskie wygasa w ciągu 70 lat po śmierci autora. You must also include a United States public domain tag to indicate why this work is in the public domain in the United States. Note that a few countries have copyright terms longer than 70 years: Mexico has 100 years, Jamaica has 95 years, Colombia has 80 years, and Guatemala and Samoa have 75 years. This image may not be in the public domain in these countries, which moreover do not implement the rule of the shorter term. Côte d'Ivoire has a general copyright term of 99 years and Honduras has 75 years, but they do implement the rule of the shorter term. Copyright may extend on works created by French who died for France in World War II (more information), Russians who served in the Eastern Front of World War II (known as the Great Patriotic War in Russia) and posthumously rehabilitated victims of Soviet repressions (more information). | |
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