Schaumrolle in the making - part 1

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The making process of the Schaumrolles (a.k.a. foam rollers or Schillerlocken). Schaumrolles are made from Phileas Dough, which was cut into stripes and rolled in an angle on an elongated, rounded pieces of wood. The pieces of would can be made in advance by cutting a broomstick into smaller pieces, and wrapping them in aluminium foil. Before wrapping the dough stripes, slightly oil the foil. Baked till they get golden. When ready, take out of the oven and take out the wood stick. The Schaumrolles are then injected with whipped cream, whipped with milk, vanilla sugar and instant vanilla pudding. Sprinkled with sugar dust, as can be seen in the picture "ready to eat Schaumrolle - part 2". Better to be eaten after refrigerated on the day of making, otherwise the dough becomes a bit soggy.
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Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0

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