Serapis on Roman Egypt, Alexandria, Billon Tetradrachm

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Praca własna
2109 x 1008 Pixel (288637 Bytes)
Tetradrachm, D. = 23 mm, 12.38 g Billon .

Publius Aelius Traianus Hadrianus Augustus, 117- 138

Laureate draped head r. / Date (year 3) divided by Turreted bust of Serapis r. Dattari 1455.

The legend on the obverse of this coin relates to Hadrian. The head of this coin resembles more Trajan than Hadrian. That may have something to do with slow communication at that time between Rome and Alexandria.

Condition: Nice FINE.
Warunki licencji:
Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0

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