Sevastopol, Ukraine

This image was taken by the Nasa Expedition 20 crew.
1080 x 1440 Pixel (465706 Bytes)
This satellite image highlights the jagged coastline of the southern Crimean Peninsula and the various docking areas of Sevastopol. The urban area is light grey, and it is bounded to the north and west by the Black Sea, to the south by vegetated (light green) and fallow (tan) agricultural fields, and to the east by the city of Inkerman and vegetated uplands (deep green). The city of Balaklava, to the south, houses another relic of the Cold War—an underground Soviet submarine base that is now open to the public as a monument. The Chernaya River issues into the Black Sea near Inkerman, flowing into the Sevastopol Inlet to the west.
Public domain

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