Slaget vid Storkyro skiss

Carl Gustaf Armfeldt
834 x 650 Pixel (105950 Bytes)
This is general Armfeldt's own sketch of the battle at Storkyro. The Kyrönjoki (River of Storkyro) goes horisontally over the map, and immediately below is the road to Vasa. There is no north-south-arrow on the map, but the Kyrönjoki flows in northwest direction. Close to the middle of the map, between the river and the road, Armfeldt has placed Napo village. The Finnish army is grouped in the left part of the map, with the cavalry on the flanks and the infantry in the center. The main battle was fought on the fields north of the river, where Golitsyn, after a flanking move through the forrest descended on the left part of Armfeldt's infantry flank.
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