Statue of the Roman God Mars

Photographed by: York Museums Trust Staff
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1200 x 1882 Pixel (409285 Bytes)
Man with helmet, breast plate, greaves and sword. His hand rests on shield. Described in Eboracum as 'Statue, life-size, of gritstone, 5ft 10ins high excluding the modern feet and base. The subject is a young man with crested helmet of Greek type, curly hair, a metal breastplate with elaborate lappets at skirt and sleeves, a tunic, a longish sword slung on shoulder-strap, and greaves. His right hand (now missing) probably held a spear, his left rests on an oval shield with a large plain round boss. The panoply is not of legionary type, for either men or officers, and the statue probably represents Mars. Found with [three altars] at St Mary's Convent, Blossom Street, but probably deposited in post-Roman times.'
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Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0

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