The National Archives UK - CO 1069-46-53

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This file is from the collections of The National Archives (United Kingdom), catalogued under document record CO1069. For high quality reproductions of any item from The National Archives collection please contact the image library.
594 x 443 Pixel (66377 Bytes)
The Governor (second from left) watches fourth-year boys operating lathes at the Trade Training Centre in Tamale, Northern territories. This Centre provides four-year courses for boys leaving middle schools, and evening classes for those who go from the middle schools, and evening classes for those who go from the middle schools into industry.

Location: Gold Coast, Tamale, Takoradi, Kumasi, Ashanti, Ghana, United Kingdom

Catalogue Reference: Part of CO 1069/46
Warunki licencji:
Open Government License version 1.0

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