Tornesch Friedrichstraße

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Tornesch (Schleswig-Holstein, Germany), Friedrichstraße 22-28 - construction period: 1900 and following years - photo 2008

- The pictured houses were all created before the First World War. They are simple residential buildings with a side risalit. Some of them contain in addition to the apartments also stores. At the far end is the former "Blumenhaus Sonja" (No. 28). In front you can see the Chinese restaurant "Jasmin" (No. 22). There was until 1967 a branch of the consumer cooperative "Produktion".

- The house building in today's Friedrichstraße began on the railway side from 1889. At that time the unpaved road was called Moorweg. Housing was created for the employees of the railway and the first industrial companies. The consolidation of the Moorweg up to Norderstraße and its renaming to Friedrichstrasse took place in 1912. The street soon developed into a shopping and service street.
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Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0

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