Trojan AVRE in Helmand, Afghanistan MOD 45151228

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2656 x 1944 Pixel (1273904 Bytes)
A Trojan vehicle leads the convoy in Helmand, Afghanistan, during Operation Moshtarak.

The Trojan AVRE (Armoured Vehicle Royal Engineers) is a modern and capable vehicle crewed by three personnel.

On 15th February 2010 the Royal Engineers fired their latest weapon in their battle against the Taliban for the first time – an exploding hose which punches safe passage through suspected IED belts.

The Python rocket is a trailer-mounted, rocket-propelled mine-clearing system pulled behind the Trojan armoured engineer tank. The Python system fires a snake of high explosives.

The detonation, across a suspected IED field in a dry river bed – wadi – north of Patrol Base Wahid, shook the ground either side of the detonation, and created a huge cloud several hundred metres high.

  • Organization: Army
  • Object Name: 090715-3400-NUI-RCS- 0142
  • Category: ARM
  • Supplemental Categories: Afghanistan, Operations, Engineer, Vehicles
  • Keywords: Armoured Vehicle Royal Engineers, Armoured, Vehicle, Equipment, AVRE, Python, Army, Trojan, Operation, Op, Campaign, Herrick, Afghanistan, Afganistan, Helmand
  • Country: Afghanistan
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Images are downloadable at high resolution, made available at for reuse under the OGL (Open Government License).
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Open Government License version 1.0

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