Varnsdorf-Rectory 8503cr

(c) WikiCommons/Karl Gruber, CC BY-SA 3.0 at

Praca własna
3256 x 1686 Pixel (2162348 Bytes)
Pamětní deska věnovaná Hance Krawcec ve Varnsdorfu, okres Děčín, Česká republika. Autor: Karl Gruber (K@rl)
Komentarz do licencji:
The photographical reproduction of the depicted work is covered under the article §33 of the Czech Copyright Act, which states:
(1) Copyright is not infringed by anybody who records or expresses by drawing, painting, graphic art, photography or film a work permanently located on a square, in a street, in a park, on a public route or in any other public place; copyright shall likewise not be infringed by anybody who further uses a work so expressed, rendered or recorded. If possible, the name of the author (unless the work is an anonymous work) or the name of the person under whose name the work is being introduced in public, the title of the work and its location shall be indicated.
(2) The provisions of Paragraph (1) shall not apply to making a reproduction or imitation of a work of architecture in the form of erecting a building and to the reproduction and distribution of a work in the form of a three-dimensional reproduction.
See COM:CRT/Czech Republic#Freedom of panorama for more information.
Warunki licencji:
Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 at

Więcej informacji o licencji można znaleźć tutaj. Ostatnia aktualizacja: Mon, 02 Jan 2023 15:38:27 GMT