Virabhadra Daksha

NieznanyUnknown author
565 x 663 Pixel (115658 Bytes)
"Painting on paper depicting Virabhadra. The red-hued deity is coiffed exactly like Śiva. This is an unusual rendering of Virabhadra. The face of the Ganga peeps out of the dreadlocks, while loose jatas fly around his head. On his forehead is a prominent tripundra. Side fangs protrude from his mouth and a bushy moustache grows on his upper lip. In his upper right hand is a damaru, in his upper left hand a flame, the lower right hand carries a sword and the lower left a buckler. The attributes in his upper hands are unusual, as they generally bear the bow and the arrow. He is dressed in a dhoti adorned by sashes on the sides and an angavastra is draped on his elbows. Among his ornaments is a long white garland. On his feet are toe-knob sandals. At his left stands the ram-headed Daksha, sporting tripundra marks on his forehead and arms dressed in dhoti and with the angavastra tied around his hips."
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