Vrbanja bridge span view

Jennifer Boyer from Fredrick, Maryland, USA
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Vrbanja Bridge

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In 1999 it was renamed the Most Suade i Olge after Suada Dilberović and Olga Sučić, the first victims of the war to be killed in Bosnia and Herzegovina. On April 5, 1992, 100,000 people turned out for a peace rally in Sarajevo. Serb snipers opened fire on the crowd from the Holiday Inn, killing six people and wounding several more. Suada and Olga were in the first rows, protesting on the bridge, and were the first to be killed. Today at the bridge there is a memorial tablet in memory of these two innocent victims that says: “A drop of my blood flowed, and Bosnia did not drain.”

There’s another sad story tied to this bridge. On May 19, 1993, Admira Ismić and Boško Brkić were fleeing the besieged city via this bridge. An arrangement was made that at 5pm no one would fire as the couple approached. The couple approached the bridge at that time but as soon as they were at the foot of the bridge, a shot was heard. The bullet hit Boško Brkić and killed him instantly. Another shot was heard and Admira Ismić screamed and fell down wounded. She crawled over to her boyfriend, cuddled him, and died. It was observed that she was alive for at least 15 minutes after the shooting.
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