Wu liang shrine relief depicting xihe, yi, and fusang tree


Rubbing originally published in Chavannes, Édouard (1909). Mission archéologique dans la Chine septentrionale (volume 3). Plate LI.
For an online version, see Chavannes, Édouard (1909). Mission archéologique dans la Chine septentrionale. Tokyo: Digital Silk Road, National Institute of Informatics. doi:10.20676/00000254.

Reproduced in Major, John S. (1993). Heaven and Earth in Early Han Thought: Chapters Three, Four, and Five of the Huainanzi. Albany: State University of New York Press. Page 160.
498 x 406 Pixel (231422 Bytes)
Rubbing of a detail from the Wu Liang shrines' stone relief carvings (mid-2nd century). The scene depicts the Fusang tree, Xihe who is going to hitch the sun chariot to a dragon-horse, and archer Yi who takes aim at the sun-crows.
Public domain

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