Xkcd philosophy

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164 x 224 Pixel (21110 Bytes)
Last panel of the xkcd webcomic "Philosophy". On the xkcd site, it displays with the tooltip "It's like the squirt bottle we use with the cat."
Komentarz do licencji:

Posted to en:Image:Xkcd philosophy.png, where this image was also uploaded:

I think this is a representative, readable xkcd panel, and don't have any plans to merchandise it, so I'm happy to free it up.

Randall Munroe

xkcd 00:00, 2 October 2007 (UTC)

Randall Munroe added a Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 2.0 tag in the same edit.
Warunki licencji:
Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0

Więcej informacji o licencji można znaleźć tutaj. Ostatnia aktualizacja: Tue, 02 Nov 2021 05:31:09 GMT