Yahya Muhammad Hamid ed-Din

أمين فارس أنطوان الريحاني / Ameen Rihani (1876-1940)
كتاب ملوك العرب لأمين الريحاني / "Kings of the Arabs" book (1924)
871 x 1089 Pixel (404872 Bytes)
Drawing showing Imam Yahya of Yemen (Yahya Muhammad Hamidaddin, 1869–1948), who succeeded his father as imam in 1904, on the frontispiece page of Ameen Rihani's book Arabian Peak And Desert, Travels In Al Yaman, published in 1930. Ameen Rihani travelled through the Arabian Peninsula, including Yemen, in 1922–1923.

The ultraconservative Imam Yahya refused to be photographed or have his portrait drawn during his life, therefore this drawing could have been drawn from memory or be imaginary.

  • The Imam's name in full was Amir al-Mumenin al-Mutawakkil 'Ala Allah Rab ul-Alamin Imam Yahya bin al-Mansur Bi'llah Muhammad Hamidaddin, Imam and Commander of the Faithful.
Public domain

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