Yakolev Yak-24U ’51 red’ (39137901222)

Alan Wilson from Stilton, Peterborough, Cambs, UK
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c/n 27203310. NATO codename:- Horse This is the only surviving example of the up to 100 Yak-24 tandem helicopters produced. Although it could carry either 40 soldiers or 3,500kg of cargo, the type suffered from technical issues and it's role was eventually taken up by the Mil-6 Hook. Built as a Yak-24T in 1956, this example was originally coded '79' and was used for tube-laying, although it was wfu by Dec 1958 after logging only 78hours in the air. It has been on display at Monino since 1962 and has recently been repainted. It appears to be in good condition and remains on display at the Central Air Force museum, Monino, Moscow Oblast, Russia.

27th August 2017
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Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0

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