Buddhism percent population in each nation World Map Buddhist data by Pew Research

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Map shows the % Buddhist population in each nation, worldwide.

There are alternate versions of this map available on wikimedia commons. Some use older data and provide a historical map. Some are current, but the above map differs in setting the lower limit of the lightest band to 1%.

Gray color for a nation means near zero % of the population in that nation is Buddhist. Numbers have been rounded to nearest integer for coloring purposes.

Source: Pew Research Center, Washington DC, Religious Composition by Country (December 2012)

Accessed on: June 2014

For absolute numbers, instead of % population, see: http://www.pewforum.org/2012/12/18/table-religious-composition-by-country-in-numbers/

This is a derivative work on BlankMap-World6.svg available on wikimedia commons. It has been tested with W3C.

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Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0

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