William McGrattan
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Kraj działania | |||
Data i miejsce urodzenia | |||
Biskup Calgary | |||
Okres sprawowania | od 2017 | ||
Biskup Peterborough | |||
Okres sprawowania | 2014–2017 | ||
Wyznanie | |||
Kościół | |||
Prezbiterat | 2 maja 1987 | ||
Nominacja biskupia | 6 listopada 2009 | ||
Sakra biskupia | 12 stycznia 2010 |
Data konsekracji | 12 stycznia 2010 |
Konsekrator | |
Współkonsekratorzy |
William Terrence McGrattan (ur. 19 września 1956 w London) – kanadyjski duchowny katolicki, w latach 2010-2014 biskup pomocniczy archidiecezji Toronto, w latach 2014-2017 biskup diecezjalny Peterborough, biskup diecezjalny Calgary od 2017.
Święcenia kapłańskie otrzymał 2 maja 1987 i został inkardynowany do diecezji London. Po kilkuletnim stażu wikariuszowskim został skierowany na studia do Rzymu na studia z zakresu teologii moralnej. Po powrocie do kraju został wykładowcą seminarium w London, a w 1997 został rektorem tej uczelni[1].
6 listopada 2009 papież Benedykt XVI mianował go biskupem pomocniczym archidiecezji Toronto, ze stolicą tytularną Furnos Minor[2]. Sakry biskupiej udzielił mu 12 stycznia 2010 biskup diecezji London - Ronald Fabbro.
8 kwietnia 2014 papież Franciszek mianował go ordynariuszem Peterborough[3].
4 stycznia 2017 został mianowany biskupem Calgary[4], zaś 27 lutego 2017 kanonicznie objął urząd[1].
- ↑ a b Bishop McGrattan. Diecezja Calgary. [dostęp 2021-02-28]. (ang.).
- ↑ NOMINA DI AUSILIARI DI TORONTO (CANADA). vatican.va, 2009-11-06. [dostęp 2021-02-28]. (wł.).
- ↑ Rinuncia del Vescovo di Peterborough (Canada) e nomina del successore. vatican.va, 2014-04-08. [dostęp 2021-02-28]. (wł.).
- ↑ Rinuncia del Vescovo di Calgary (Canada) e nomina del successore. vatican.va, 2017-01-04. [dostęp 2021-02-28]. (wł.).
Linki zewnętrzne
- William McGrattan w bazie catholic-hierarchy.org (ang.) [dostęp 2012-12-10]
Media użyte na tej stronie
Autor: victorpanlilio from Calgary, Canada, Licencja: CC BY 2.0
William McGrattan presiding at a Chrism Mass
(c) I, SajoR, CC BY-SA 2.5
Coat of arms of the Canadian Bishop William McGrattan, Auxiliary Bishop of Toronto.
Explanation of the Coat of Arms for Bishop William McGrattan
The field of the shield is divided into sections by a heraldic division called a saltire enhanced. This reflects the form of the traditional arms of the name McGrattan. In the “X” is also seen the Greek letter Chi which is the first letter in the Greek for Christ.
The colours used may be taken to represent the following: Gold (yellow) and red from the shield used by St Peter's Seminary, London, Ontario. Red and blue from the shield used by the City of London, Ontario.
The charges on the shield symbolize the following:
Keys are found in the coats of arms of the Bishop's home diocese of London and in the shield used by St Peter's Seminary where he ministered as an educator and served as rector for many years. A key opens a lock and so is a fitting symbol for education and here celebrates the Bishop's role in the training of priests at St Peter's Seminary. Keys are also an attribute of St Peter (Matthew 16.19) and so may be taken to represent the papacy and the Roman Catholic Church. In this instance the wards and the bows have been embellished with the traditional emblem of Ireland, the trefoil or shamrock, and indicates the Bishop's ancestry and heritage. The trefoil is also a symbol for the Holy Trinity.
The lower section is in blue a colour associated with theology and bears a shell. The shell is significant in that it is an emblem of Holy Baptism the sacrament which incorporates one into Christ and his Church and which is the basis of all ministry. As a baptismal symbol it represents the Church's mission. Here it is also a reference to the Bishop's mother as shells are found in many arms associated with the name Power in Ireland. A shell is the main feature of the shield of Pope Benedict XVI who appointed the Bishop to the episcopate. The shell is also the badge of pilgrims and here speaks of the Christian's life journey in faith.
Basket with Loaves
The basket filled with loaves speaks of the sacrament of the Holy Eucharist, the Church's highest offering. Bread has ever been a symbol of the means of sustaining life and in the Old Testament it was a symbol of God's providence, care and nurture of his people.(Exodus 16.15) Jesus gave new meaning to this symbolism when he said, “I am the bread of life.” (John 6.35) and again at the Last Supper as a reference to his sacrifice.(Luke 22.19). It is also used here as a reflection of the feeding of the great throng of people (Matthew 14.15-21) and so represents the call to compassion, hospitality, outreach, caring, and to what Pope John Paul II spoke of in terms of what the significance of Jesus' action in this instance should mean to bishops and their ministry.
The upper section is coloured red, the colour of the Holy Spirit, of love and zeal. Upon this is set a pattern formed of seven heraldic charges called mascules [ a diamond shape with the centre omitted ]. This symbol is the emblem attributed to a medieval bishop of York, England, Saint William of York (William Fitzherbert) and hence is a reference to the Bishop's baptismal name. The seven mascules may represent the seven gifts of the Spirit.
The Motto
The motto HABE FIDUCIAM IN DOMINO placed below the shield is from Proverbs 3.5: “Habe fiduciam in Domino ex toto corde tuo et ne innitaris prudentiae tuae.” (Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not rely on your own insight).
The external symbols of a processional cross (here depicted as a celtic cross with jewels representing the wounds of Christ) and a green ecclesiastical hat with two green cords each ending in six green tassels are the insignia appropriate to a Roman Catholic Bishop as assigned by Pope Paul VI in his special Instruction of 31 March 1969.